Saturday, August 29, 2009

Making Money with Google AdSense

Google AdSense is a fast and easy way for website publishers of all sizes to display relevant Google ads on their website's content pages and earn money. Because the ads are related to what your visitors are looking for on your site and are matched to the characteristics and interests of the visitors your content attracts, you will finally have a way to both monetize and enhance your content pages. It's also a way for website publishers to provide Google web and site search to their visitors, and to earn money by displaying Google ads on the search results pages.
Google AdSense used to have refferal program but in August 2008 this program was retired. After careful consideration, they believed that they can best serve their advertisers and publishers through their AdSense for content product. AdSense is very easy to configure and it can be used on any of your websites or blog pages. Some of the options where and how you can use AdSense are:

AdSense for content - Display targeted Google ads on your website's content pages and earn from valid clicks or impressions.

AdSense for mobile - Connect your mobile users with the right ad at the right time as they seek information on the go.

AdSense for search - Allow your users to search your site or the web, and earn from ads on the search results pages.

AdSense for feeds - Earn revenue by displaying targeted text and image ads in your feed content, wherever it's viewed.

Earning money with AdSense for Content:
The main way of earning revenue with AdSense is by displaying Google ads on your site.
With AdSense for content, these ads you display on your site can be either cost-per-click (CPC) or cost-per-thousand-impression (CPM) ads. For CPC ads, you'll generate earnings when your users click on the ads. For CPM ads, you'll generate earnings every time the ad appears to a user viewing your site.

Earning money with AdSense for Search:
AdSense for search lets you offer your users Google web search directly from your pages. By placing an AdSense for search box on your site, you'll generate earnings from ad clicks made by users on the search results pages.
You won't, however, receive revenue from user searches through your AdSense for search box. When users perform searches on your site, but choose not to click on the ads on the search results pages, you will not receive any earnings.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Blurry Images for Google Blog

Google blogspot uses Picasa to upload your images and take care of your web album. There is more then one way to upload and this is where you might run into a problem of your orginal perfect image being blurry after upload.

First way is using Picasa software that you can download and install: Title
Second way is using upload option(Add Image) directly from your Google blospot:
Last but not least is the way I do it and I am sure alot of you figured that this is the best way to protect quality of your uploaded image using Picasa web based uploader from Picasa Web Albums:
I hope this will help some of you retain image quality due to uploader converting your files and lowering your pixels while making image take more space then original did. Please feel free to post comments.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Google Insights for Search

If you ever wanted to know what is most searched term or keyword on Google in last 7 days or since 2004(you can even select specific date range) you can always visit Google Search Insights...

Below you will see few examples of rising searches in last 12 months(in US) using Google Search Engine.
1. Facebook Login
2. Twilight
3. Facebook
4. Juegos
5. Obama
6. Yahoo Mail
8. Hotmail
9. Craigslist
10. Youtube

Now you will see top ten search keywords in last 12 months(in US) using Google Search Engine:
1. Lyrics
2. Youtube
3. Yahoo
4. Facebook
5. Myspace
6. Games
7. Blackboard Hack
8. Google
9. News
10. Craigslist

Now you might be wondering why am I wasting time and trying to tell you this? Well let's see in order to be successful you have to know current trends and what are people after right now. Millions of searches are conducted each day on popular search engines by people all around the world. What are they looking for? A number of major search engines provide a way to glimpse into the web's query stream to discover the most popular search keywords or topics that will help you out. Hope this helps some of you that are serious about promoting your business and trying to maximize your web traffic to your website.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Google Chrome Themes Gallery

All Google Chrome Themes are available for Google Chrome and above only.

They have selection of 29 themes in their gallery right now.

Based on Alexandro Jimerez right now there is a bug with chrome://extensions/ and Chrome developer is saying that we should not use
chrome://extensions/ to manage themes.

Right now, the gallery only includes themes created by Google, but you'll be able to create your own theme and upload it to the gallery in the near future. Here you can see how making your own themes for Google Chrome works.

Google Code Search

Google Code Search will let you do regular expression searches accross public source code:

Google Chrome OS is right around the corner

Google Chrome OS is just around the corner and looking around a lot of people got their own opinions on what they would like to see in new OS.

Google Chrome OS Login

Google Chrome OS

Here are few examples of how people see Google Chrome OS:

Instant boot
"The thing I need with Google Chrome OS is instant bootup. I want something where I open up my laptop and the screen turns on and puts a web browser in my face."

It should work offline
"There would have to be some kind of offline credential caching so you can log on even when you are not connected to the network."

Integration with Google Accounts
"I believe Google accounts will be used to login to Chrome OS. Kinda whereever you go, you can use your Google account username/password to login. I hope it will use local disk to store frequently accessed file and sync it to Docs like Dropbox."

It should be fast
"I just want to get rid of infinite waiting for load up. When I turn on my computer, half the times is just to open a web browser, a media player and an instant messaging program. I don't want to have to wait AGES for all sorts of background programs and services to load up."

Built-in desktop search
"I like the desktop search element of Google Desktop: it's a good way to access my files, e-mails and web history quickly. That should be included in Chrome OS. And there should be an offline cache of everything, so that I can still see read web pages I've visited even when offline."

In sync
"Syncing is important these days. Not just bookmarks, but passwords, and "user states" so you can pick up on another machine almost where you leave off on one. I would be able to start working on a document on my desktop machine and then switch to my laptop and hit the road, confident that when i open the document authoring app I'll be right where I left off."

"Google ChromeOS should save screen real estate. On smaller devices like netbooks, you need to conserve as much screen real estate as possible."

Use applications without installing them
"Even if storage memory is cheaper now than ever, mobile phones, netbooks, etc. will benefit of avoiding to install software specific for each use on the physical memory and maintaining it "in the cloud". Sites should have the capability (and maybe a standard protocol) to communicate each other with the browser as a medium (avoiding the download and following upload of the object), user should have the capability to chose the service that he wants to subscribe to (eventually choosing it from an online appstore-like site), the OS should be able to recommend new and interesting service to subscribe to the user based on information collected (with his permission) about his behaviour."

Run Windows applications
"I want to run Windows programs, as well as games. I want Chrome OS to be able to do everything a normal computer can do! That way I can get ditch Windows and get Chrome OS for (hopefully) free!"

Don't forget the hardware!
"Driver support for a wide range of mobile hardware -> platform hardware combination. I'm particularly interested in WiMax support on an ARM processor."

So people want a fast operating system that loads instantly, doesn't use too many resources, saves your data online so you can continue your work from another computer and it keeps the data in sync, works offline, uses applications without installing them, runs Windows applications and it's compatible with many combinations of hardware.

My question to you all would be to ask what would you like to see in this new OS, I did find a link to Google Chrome OS video and so far it's not looking good for us end-users( Based on what I was able to see on this video is that we are going back instead of forward, yes things change all the time but this video is not that old so lets hope they listen to some of us and make Google Chrome OS next user friendly OS.
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